By the water hole A short story by Antos Gábor (Inspirated by a short story by Mártonffy András) She was sitting by the water hole. She looked at the azure sky, the small fleecy clouds, the Sun high above the Pride Lands, shining with stroking rays upon her. She looked around at the golden savannah, and took a deep breath of the fresh air. She could feel the smell of the Zebras, the Antelopes and the other animals who visited the water hole recently. She knew them well, she knew their habits, she knew a few things about how to hunt them... and she knew how tasty they were... She rolled onto her back and watched a lioness-shaped cloud float majestically on the winds. She wondered what prey her mother will hunt. Then, hearing the roar of her mother and the other lionesses, she jumped up and ran back to the Pride Rock, and soon she heard the terrible news. She was sitting by the water hole. She looked at the azure sky, the small fleecy clouds, and as she noticed two clouds shaped like a lion and a small cub, tears began to roll down her cheek. She looked around at the golden savannah, took a deep breath and sighed. Just then, the wind turned and brought the stench of the hyenas to her. She was sitting by the water hole. She looked at the leaden sky, the clouds that hid the Sun but let the oppressive heat flow down to the land. She looked around at the savannah, that began to show the first signs of shriveling, and took a deep breath. She couldn't smell any animals except lions and hyenas. And elephants, she realized and she shivered despite the heat. She was sitting by the water hole. It was almost totally dry. She looked at the sky, not even hoping for rain. She looked around the crackled ground that remained of the once beautiful savannah. She took a deep breath and sighed. The stench of the hyenas and of death made the air almost unbreathable. She was sitting by the dry channel of the water hole. She felt herself almost too weak to look at the never-changing sky. She looked around sadly, then staggered to her feet and started her journey to find someone, anyone who could help. She was sitting by the water hole. She looked at the azure sky, the small fleecy clouds, the Sun high above the Pride Lands. She looked around at the golden savannah, and took a deep breath. Her sense of smell began to deteriorate lately. "What am I good for?", she thought. "Soon, I..." She heard the rustle of the grasses behind and turned her head to that direction. She smiled broadly as she saw her grandson coming. "Could you tell me another tale about the Great Kings?" She was sitting by the water hole. She looked around, then she glanced down at the Pride Lands. "Tomorrow will be the day of the Presentation of my great-great grandchildren", she thought contentedly. Suddenly, a thought occured to her. She looked at the dark-maned lion talking with his brother and his nephew about the pressures of ruling a kingdom. "I hope Taka won't forget about it this time..." Antos Gábor